
Hey anyone who might read this blog

I decided to get moving on having one (a blog), only to find out that I had a blogger account. From 2021. That I never did anything with. So, let's try again. 

My old blog name was something like, 'Finding Bluer Skies'. I did find bluer skies, sort of. I gave my old, not-fully-started blog that name as I was bored and pissy at work. Which I had been for a number of years. And hadn't really done anything about it - but that's another blog post for another day. 

As I was saying, I did find bluer skies. I resigned from my job and decided to start up my own business. I was very fortunate, but also stupid. More on that later as well. I will say though - oh my god it's so nice not having to go into an office and deal with general office politics crap and other crap involving what the 'important people' and HR etc, come up with. Ahhhhhhhh! 😁

So, onto the warning: I will swear just a bit, say oh my god a lot, and TW, TW, TW, TW....talk about some of the effects of unaliving as that is something that has happened to my family and me. 

If any of the above is going to upset you, trigger you, make you angry, or make you feel like you want to come to the front of the class and lecture me oh wonderful one, you are on the wrong blog. Same with any kind of condescending, game playing, or just plain troll-like behaviour. Fuck off. 

I'm still picturing some know-it-all dude sitting in his gaming chair, rubbing his two chin hairs together, ready to pick apart and spin anything I say. We'll cross that troll bridge if we come to it. 

I don't know how often I'll end up writing. Maybe this blog will end up dead too. I need an outlet though, so hopefully this is it. 

I spent too long googling a witty sign off,


P.S I ended up updating my blog name again but it's still not right


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